
Friday, 26 July 2013

Mwanzo Bora Nutrition Program, a  USAID funded project has made a tremendous change and stories to the lives of both Women, Men and Children.The project is pursued by various stake holders, but to take the Africare led consortium as an example, there are a lot of success stories about the change that have and are still happening in Morogoro. Manyara and Dodoma regions.

 Prudence Masako, project officer witnessing how the community in Kilombero received the project
 Deus Ngerangera, (Red) the Project M&E demonstrating villagers on best gardening practise - Chazi
 Deus Ngerangera distributing vegetables to visitors after class
 Pregnant women & Children taking Nutritious rich food during demo day
 Mama, while preparing Vit A rich potatoes for Demo
 Wycliff Ochieng (in blue) walking the visitor through the Field School
 Men & women taking a lesson on preparation of Nutritious meal
 Group members caring for the FFS
 A meeting organized by MBNP, a community member addressing the meeting
 The Towero Disprensary Nurse addressing the visitors
The project have became like community owned, for example in Morogoro, you can not imagine Men are taking the lead in demonstrating and preparing nutritious rich meal for children under 5 and pregnant Women at the Clinic centres, women take potato cuttings, carots for house hold duplication.
Men have adopted the Sungura/hare husbandly from the Africare demonstration plots.
Its no longer strange in Morogoro seeng people in TOWERO are busy in gardening.

The village Chairperson told the EU/UNICEF visitors that the community income has increased tremendously in the last 6months due to output obtained from the Gardening as advocated by Africare.
The Nurse in Towero dispensary declared an increased number of clinic attendants because of the added advantage gained by women when they have the opportunity to meet nutrition lectures, practicle demos and knowledge on how reducing maternal anaemia and child stunting.

The Africare Towero Field School is situated at the Dispensary on top of Mt Uruguru, other Field schools are Chazi village -Mvomero, Kilombero, Ulangat
The Towero Field School has so far attracted a lot of visitors from abroad and in country due to its positive impact to the community in Towero ward

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